How to cleanse your crystals and crystal jewellery
Have you ever wondered how to clean your crystal gemstones and crystal jewellery? Wonder why we need to cleanse our crystals?
Crystals store energy so when they travel from source to seller before landing in your hands, they have already passed through a lot of different energies. So, the first thing you should do when you purchase any crystal is to cleanse it.
There are so many ways you can clean your crystals and crystal jewellery. The method you use will depend on the crystal as some stones are softer than others or more porous and should not be placed in water. Sunlight or moonlight are also great for cleansing. Although with sunlight some crystals can fade, and moonlight is great - however if you have quite a number of crystals like me this can be time consuming, putting them all outside under the moon!
Here are a few different methods used for cleansing crystals:
Running Water
Using natural running water like rain or a stream, even tap water. Place them under for a few minutes. This is only good for stronger stones like quartz or turquoise. If you are not sure then use another method for cleansing.
Sunlight and Moonlight
Using sun or moon energies is one of the oldest ways of cleansing crystals. When your crystal becomes a bit dull in appearance or effectiveness, the best way to cleanse it is to return it to natural light. Place the crystal directly under sunlight or moonlight for at least four hours. Sunlight bathing works best with warm-coloured crystals like yellow, red and orange crystals. Although make sure not to expose them to the sun for a longer period of time, as they may begin to fade.
For best results, cleanse your crystals during a full moon, when the moon is bright with full potential, it can help increase your crystal’s vibrational energy.
Cleansing with Quartz or Selenite
Quartz or selenite has a special ability to purify and cleanse other crystals. To use place your crystals on clear quartz or a selenite charging plate or in a bowl. You can also place your crystal in a bag with quartz. Make sure you leave them there overnight so your crystals become cleansed of any unwanted energies.

Cleansing with Smudging
Smudging is an another popular ancient cleansing method to cleanse items, rooms and other things of negative energy. Surrounding crystals with smoke and letting the crystals pass through the smoke helps cleanse them.
To do this:
- Light a sage stick, sandalwood, cedar, palo santo or frankincense to create smoke.
- Allow the sacred smoke to surround your crystals.
- Smoke carries low or negative energies away from the crystal, which helps raise the vibrational energy of the crystal.
This is the other method I prefer to use as I can wave the crystals or the smoke over.

Cleansing with Soil
With this cleansing method you bury the crystals and cleanse them by returning them to nature, this is good for removing toxic negative energies. For this method:
- Look for a safe place to bury your crystal.
- Bury your crystal in the soil just a few inches deep and make note of where you have buried it.
- Leave your crystal buried for a minimum of 24 hours and for up to three days.
Visualisation or Meditation
This involves using your own thought processes to cleanse your crystals. To do this:
- Clear your mind and hold your crystal in your hands.
- Visualise a bright, radiant light surrounding your crystal and passing through it.
- Think about impurities flushing out of the stone.
- Finish when you feel your crystal has restored its balance.
Cleansing with Sound
Cleansing crystals with sound is one of the most effective and simple cleansing methods. Gentle vibration created by a tuning fork or a singing bowl can help clear negative energy quickly and effectively.
The vibrations created with sound helps break up any stuck negative energy in the crystals, and the musical frequency of the process restores the harmony of the crystals.
You can create cleansing sound in a number of ways, the most popular way is to use a Tibetan singing bowl. Any crystal jewellery or crystals from Love to Shine On are cleansed with a Tibetan singing bowl and positive intentions set for the crystal, before being packaged and sent to you ready to wear.