Can crystals raise your vibration?
Have you ever walked into a crystal store and been instantly attracted to one crystal that catches your eye? Maybe it was the colour, the shape, the sparkle. Crystals seem to have a way of choosing us.
Crystals are powerful and beautiful, energetic objects that can be used to raise the vibrations in our daily lives. They promote the flow of energy in, out, and around your body. They can rid your space and body of negative energy and can guide the positive energy in. Imagine all of the positive energy benefits that come from crystals! But how does this work?
It started millions of years ago…
Crystals grow in the earth’s crust over millions of years at high pressures and heat, making them objects with the most activation energy, because each step in the formation of a crystal requires energy. They are formed through a series of processes that culminate into what is known as crystallization.
All the things you see around is made up of energy; that’s all there is to it. This is not philosophy. It is physics. – Albert Einstein
The energetic vibration
Everything formed on Earth has a unique, measurable, energetic vibration called an ‘individual base resonance frequency’. Different objects vibrate at different natural frequencies, us, our clothes, the chair, your watch or bracelet, the phone, all vibrate at a particular frequency, and crystals are no different.
A crystal’s base resonance frequency depends on its unique molecular structure, size, density and colour, this frequency is measured in units called hertz. Some crystals like quartz crystal are used in technology as they have a constant vibration and a unique structure, they are piezoelectric and can transmute energy from one form to another. Used in some common items like; LCD screens, microphones, microchips, ultrasounds, inkjet printers and more. Some crystals are pyroelectric, meaning they generate electrical charges when heated.
All crystals have their own energy or vibration.
Each crystal’s megahertz energy creates a specific vibration and frequency so their unique healing properties interact with us and within our body. Just as crystals have energy and vibrate on their own, the energy in the human body is what keeps our hearts pumping, our muscles moving, our brains ticking, and our cells running. We can utilise the healing energies of various crystals to adjust, amplify, raise our vibration or remove certain energies in the body.
There are many different types of crystals, each with their own healing properties and benefits. Learning which crystals offer which benefits to you is a great way to add mindfulness, clarity, peace, and more to your daily life.
Crystals to raise your vibration
Crystals can benefit you in your everyday life. Firstly, identify which areas you would like to have influenced by the crystal energy, just being in the presence of the crystal is beneficial to you because crystals raise our vibrations by default.
Selecting a crystal for a particular purpose is a great way to help yourself as being in proximity of the crystal is constantly raising your frequency and providing positive feelings.
Clear Quartz is a great crystal as it is capable of drawing off negative energy of all kinds, balancing and revitalizing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, as well as cleansing. It also helps to raise the vibration.Perfect to wear as a necklace all day.
Some other crystals which can help raise your vibration:
Smokey quartz – protection from negative energy.
Green aventurine – increasing self-worth and overcoming self doubt, opens the heart.
Lapis Lazuli for self-expression. The Egyptians used this for power, strength, clarity and confidence.
Selenite – connection to the divine, amplifies other crystals and cleansing,
Rose quartz – to raise your love vibration, both for self and others,
Amethyst – for if you want calm and higher awareness.
Citrine – positivity and light, motivation and creativity,
The benefits of crystal jewellery…you wear your beautiful crystals and raise your vibration at the same time. Look good, feel great and SHINE.